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Gama System eDocs and Gama System eArchive Certified

Gama System® eDocs and Gama System® eArchive successfully recertified

Gama System software certification covers the entire digital document management process and is the final step in the process of demonstrating compliance with applicable laws.

Gama System® eDocs document management system is an entry point for any document type that can be managed, processed and scheduled at any time. Documents logically end in Gama System® eArchive electronic document storage system.

For its flagship document management system, Gama System® eDocs, Gama System has obtained the broadest certification of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, which includes support for individual functionalities in the processes of permanent storage and support for accompanying services (physical document management, capture and conversion of original analog to digital), mass capture support, and support for storing the same documentation, as well as certification to support the entire electronic documents management process. The latest Gama System® eDocs certification is compliant to Gama System® eArchive electronic document retention system certification. As a result, the certification is also valid in combination with archiving provider services, which are based on the complete Gama System document line.

Gama System® eArchive and its secure storage system is the ultimate ending for all documents that require long-term and legally valid digital storage. It is intended for archiving service providers as well as large companies that need their own system for storing and archiving electronic documents. The obtained certificate of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia guarantees the legal documents validity.

The broadest certification for the eDocs system and integration with eArchive means that Gama System document line is fully certified. Our clients are given the opportunity to safely transition to e-commerce without the risk of legal consequences.

Certificate, Gama System® eArchive v2.2 and Gama System® eArchive v2.1: Certificate
Certificate, Gama System® eDocs v5 and Gama System® eDocs v4.1.9: Certificate

We are enabling our clients to be fully engaged in their core business, as we are maintaining the certification of our software for over 12 years.

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